Most of us will feel stressed at some point in our lives. Our Managing Stress online course can help you better understand stress, what causes it and teach you helpful techniques to improve how you are feeling.
The course is free and runs for five weeks, with a 90 minute online session each week.

- I want to learn techniques to manage stress
- I am happy to attend a lecture style course
- I am aged 18 or over
- I can attend all sessions
- I am willing to practice some of the techniques at home between sessions
A bit more about the course
The course is run on Microsoft Teams. All of the content of the course is evidence based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and delivered by experienced staff.
During the sessions you won’t be asked to share anything, you can just sit and listen to the information on offer and try some of the practical techniques we will introduce.
You may find it useful to make some notes and take some time to practice some of the techniques discussed in the session.
Each session is 90 minutes long with a break half way through.
Below you can see the different topics we will cover each week.
Submerged in Stress
Our first session will provide an introduction to stress and the topics that we will cover as part of the course, including a session by session breakdown. We will begin by trying to understand what stress can look like and when stress can become a problem for us. We will end the session by starting to consider personal goals, and offer some helpful techniques to start fighting back against stress.
Stress and the body
In the second session we will try to better understand the role that our body plays in stress. We will explore both the short term, and longer term impacts that stress can have our body and how we feel physically. In the second half of the session, we will look at different relaxation techniques that can be used to calm our bodies, and there will be an opportunity to practice some of the techniques in session.
Stress and our thoughts
Becoming more aware of our thoughts can be an important part in understanding and managing our stress levels. In this session we will focus on unhelpful ways thinking and learn techniques to balance our thoughts. We will also look at the role of worry in stress and learn techniques to gain more control of worries.
Stress and our behaviour
In this session we will focus on common things we do when we are feeling stressed and the impacts this can have on our stress levels. We will also learn some techniques to help increase motivation levels and regain balance and structure in everyday life, as well as top tips for overcoming procrastination and avoidance.
Sleep, taking stock and moving forward
In the final session of the Managing Stress course, we will start by looking at how stress affects sleep. We will learn about what happens when we are sleeping and different ways to make it easier to get a good nights sleep. To end, we will take a look back over the course and create a plan for continuing to manage stress after the sessions end.
Course dates
Our Managing Stress courses runs on a regular basis throughout the year. We have courses on Tuesday and Thursdays from 530-7pm.
First, you need to book an assessment with a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP). They will discuss the course and how it will help you. The PWP will be able to book you onto the next course.
How do I book a place?
If you would like to book a place on this course all you need to do is fill in our online referral form.
Select the ‘Managing Stress’ course as your preferred treatment option.
You can also call us on 0114 226 4380 and speak to one of our team.
Once you have completed your referral you will be invited for a short assessment call with one of our Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners.
Feedback from attendees
Hundreds of people attend our Managing Stress course every year. Here’s some of the feedback they have shared about the course:
“Found it helpful to see how many people attended and know that I wasn’t alone in what I’m feeling.”
“The content was great and it was so good having the discipline of the sessions to pick up the different layers. I knew a lot of the content but you forget to use it.”
“Did feel it was helpful and gave lots of varying techniques to take away that were well explained.”
“Course was not too overwhelming, well presented and I looked forward to each session, I will definitely be thinking over the work I have completed in the work book and notes I have been taking.”
Frequently asked questions
We know that coming to a course like this for the first time can be quite daunting and you’ll have lots of questions about what to expect.
Below is a list of some of the most common questions we are asked and some answers to help put your mind at ease.
Book an assessment with one of our team today
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