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Self help

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Self help

It's not always easy to talk about the things that are troubling us. If you're not ready to talk or are waiting for therapy, here are some self-help resources that can help you.

Local and national information and support

There is a lot of self-help information available for free online. Other organisations can also offer various types of mental health support. Some are available in Sheffield, while others operate as national organisations.

To take a look at the free resources on offer, click on the boxes below. 

  • Sheffield Mental Health Guide - This website is a fantastic resource. It gathers all NHS and charity mental health support in the city in one spot. 
  • Sheffield Flourish - A charity organisation that produces the Sheffield Mental Health Guide. They run some mental health groups in the city and have lots of support available on their website.
  • Sheffield Mind - A local charity that offers emotional and practical support to people living in Sheffield.
  • No Panic Sheffield - A support group for people experiencing panic attacks, anxiety, phobias and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
  • Andys Man Club - They are a charity for men's suicide prevention. They offer free peer-to-peer support groups in a few different locations in Sheffield.
  • Samaritans - Free to phone on 116 123 and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a week. They are available to listen if you are going through a difficult time.
  • Cruse Bereavement Support – Offer free confidential help for anyone who has been bereaved.
  • Every Mind Matters - This is a national NHS campaign. It has lots of useful advice on mental wellbeing, access to resources, and even an app to help track your mood.
  • Five Ways to Wellbeing - The five ways to wellbeing are proven to improve your mental health and wellbeing. They are: with other people, be physically active, learn new skills, give to others and mindfulness. 
  • Mental Health Foundation - They are a national charity. They give tips for better mental health and advice on daily things that can affect our well-being. They have information available on housing, finances, employment, and relationships. 
  • Silverline - This free, confidential helpline offers information, friendship, and advice to older people. It is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. 
  • Anxiety UK - They provide practical support, advice, and guidance on living with anxiety. 
  • Living Life to the Full – A website offering free advice on how to deal with depression.
  • Northumberland self help guides - A range of self-help guides to help you understand your feelings and give you some tools to manage. 


There are lots of apps that can support your wellbeing. 

You can try many of these for free; others that you may have to pay for a subscription.

Below are some free apps that you could try:

  • Calm Harm - This app helps you resist or manage the urge to self-harm.
  • Catch It - This app will help you capture your thoughts and encourage you to see them from a different perspective.
  • My Possible Self - Take charge of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Learn easy skills to handle fear, anxiety, and stress.
  • Sleepio - An online programme to help anyone who has trouble falling or staying asleep at night.
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During the Coronavirus pandemic we teamed up with BBC Radio Sheffield to produce a 10 part series focusing on wellbeing.

These episodes gave an introduction to the support we offer and a taster of some of the techniques, like mindfulness, that we use on our courses.

Find out more and listen back to episodes of Mindset here.

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Next review date:
20 March 2026