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What to expect

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  1. Complete our online referral form. You will then receive a text message with a link to book your first appointment. You can choose the most convenient day and time. Or you can call us on 0114 226 4380 to self-refer. We have first appointments available within two weeks.
  2. Your first appointment will be a 45 minute telephone assessment with a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP). If you find talking over the phone difficult, please tell us on the referral form. The assessment is an opportunity to understand your low mood and/or worry and what you are looking for help with.
  3. After the assessment, you will be able to discuss treatment options based on your goal for treatment. Sometimes the options we offer within Talking Therapies might not be suitable to meet your needs. We will try to give you information about alternative services. Most of our treatments can be started quickly within a few weeks.

What to expect at your Talking Therapies telephone assessment

The initial telephone assessment is for us to understand what you might be struggling with at the moment, and how Sheffield Talking Therapies may be able to help. Below is some information that would be useful to read before accessing your appointment: 

What to do before your appointment? 

  • Take a look at the treatment options we offer (How we can help)
  • Please complete the questionnaires via the text link provided, they explore common symptoms of low mood and anxiety.
  • Make sure you are in a private, quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. We want you to be able to be as open and honest as possible.
  • We are unable to complete the call if you are driving, on public transport, or under the influence of alcohol or substances. 

During your appointment 

  • A Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP) will call you using a withheld number
  • The appointment will last 45 minutes, so please ensure you have time for the full assessment.
  • We will discuss options within Talking Therapies and whether they are suitable for your current needs. The assessment will include a PWP asking some questions about you and your safety and the safety of others around you.
  • We are not an urgent and crisis service, so if you need urgent support then please contact the numbers provided on your appointment text or visit (
  • The assessment will also include some questions about what you are currently experiencing, some lifestyle questions and then a plan of what service will be best to support you moving forward. We may direct you to other services or back to your GP to ensure you get the right kind of support.
  • We will attempt to call you twice on the number you provided, if you don’t answer a voicemail message will be left. If we still can’t get in contact you will be discharged back to your GP’s care.
  • If you are unable to attend for any reason, you can change your appointment via the online booking link up to 24 hours beforehand, or on our website here: Cancel or Amend your Appointment, or you can cancel by calling 0114 226 4380. 

After your appointment 

  • All assessments are discussed with a Clinical Supervisor as a standard part of our service. We may need to be in touch again to ask some further questions or discuss alternatives to ensure we are offering you the right kind of support. 


  • In line with NHS policy, everything you discuss during your telephone assessment remains confidential, unless there is a risk to yourself or others. In this case we will inform your GP or other services to ensure you have appropriate support.
  • All patient notes from your appointments within the talking therapies service will be confidentially stored on an NHS patient management system.
  • We will also send a brief summary of the assessment outcome to your GP
Remote video URL

What to expect from video appointments

The video appointments are completed in the same way as face to face appointments, by NHS professionals. 

They are created through our patient data system IAPTUS. You will not need to download any apps, simply just click the link from your therapist.

What are the benefits of video appointments?

  • No travel to the appointment
  • Access anywhere confidential with internet connection
  • Easy to use

Before the video appointment  

You will receive a text reminder 48 hours before your scheduled video appointment. The appointment reminder will also have the link you will need to join the video appointment.  

If you do not receive a video link in this text message, then please call our admin team on 01142 26430 who will contact your therapist.  

The video can only be accessed on the day of your appointment.  

Joining the video appointment  

To join the appointment, click the link sent via text message. You can use your mobile phone, but if possible, we recommend you use a device with a bigger screen such as a tablet, laptop or a desktop computer. You will then need to copy your link from the text message into your internet browser if you can, use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

We suggest logging onto the video appointment five minutes before the appointment start time. If you have any problems accessing the link, please call our admin team on 0114 2264380 who will contact your therapist. Alternatively, your therapist will give you a call after five minutes to see if you are having any technical problems. 

Entering the appointment  

  1. Enter or click the video link onto your web browser.  

  2. This is what you will see when you join the video appointment

  Teams call on a phone and laptop

      3. This button lets you turn the camera on or off

camera on/off button on microsoft teams

     4.This button lets you turn your microphone on or off

mic on/off button on Microsoft teams

    5. To send a message to the therapist during the call, click on the below button, type your message and click send

message button on microsoft teams

    6. To end the call, click the red telephone button

end call button microsoft teams

You might feel video appointments are not right for you. You might have heard or read some information online. It is understandable to worry about what to expect and how it might work. The explanations below will help you dispel some of these common myths.

Video therapy has been shown to be as effective as in-person therapy. Some people find video appointments more helpful as it can fit around their busy lifestyle, without having to fit in travel time. Some people feel more comfortable attending video appointments as they are in the privacy of their own home. 

If video appointments don’t feel right for you, please do discuss this with your therapist. 

It is common to feel a bit awkward at first. This is okay and a normal part of any therapy. Video appointments allow you and your therapist to see each other so you can still both respond to body language and facial cues. We would encourage you to let us know what helps you, and to discuss any difficulties with your therapist. Your therapist might ask you, if they are struggling to pick up on how you are feeling.  

Your therapist will ask the same questions and respond in the same way as if it was an in-person appointment. Video appointments allow you and your therapist to see each other so you can still both respond to body language and facial cues. Your therapist might ask you how you are feeling, if they are unsure. 

This is a really common feeling. Your video will go onto a small square in the corner of the screen. If you do not like seeing yourself on camera, please discuss it with your therapist. Your therapist can help you overcome this within your treatment. 

We use an NHS approved video system. The audio and video are encrypted all the way from the sender to the receiver (therapist to patient). 

Video appointments are really simple to use, and we can talk you through the process. You do not need to download or install anything. You just need internet connection and a video camera on your device. Please see the step by step guide above. If you experience a lot of technical problems, we can discuss other options. Please speak to your therapist or call our admin team on 0114 2264380.


Sometimes technical problems happen either with the device or internet connection. Sometimes re-joining the link works and you can continue with your appointment. Your therapist will always try to call you if the video appointment stops. You can also call our admin team on 0114 226430. Your therapist will help you problem solve and can discuss other options if technology continues to be an issue. 

Some top tips:

  • Log onto the appointment 5 minutes early. Check your video and microphone are working. If you have any problems joining the video, please contact our admin team on 0114 2264380 and they will contact your therapist.
  • Turn up your volume on your device and consider using headphones.
  • Make sure your device is fully charged.
  • Check that you have a good internet connection.

What to expect from face to face appointments

We aim to offer you an appointment as soon as possible, which could be at your GP practice, a practice in your neighborhood or an NHS venue. We work across the city so you might be offered an appointment in another location. Face to face appointments on occasion can have a longer wait.

Once an appointment becomes available, we will call you to book. If we cannot speak to you, we will send you a letter with your appointment details. You can contact us if the appointment is not convenient.

Book an assessment with one of our team today

Page last reviewed:
Next review date:
18 September 2024